Welcome to Savor Nutrition

Sa·vor /ˈsāvər/
1. taste good (food or drink) and enjoy it completely

At Savor Nutrition we help make nutrition uncomplicated and will provide you with the support, resources, and accountability you need to achieve your nutrition and health goals.

Our mission is to help you make sustainable lifestyle changes so you can nourish your body to optimize your health, improve your relationship with food, and feel confident in your body.

We are experts in nutrition and diabetes care. If you are ready to begin your journey to better nutrition and health, we are here for you.

Meet the Team

Hi, I’m Brittany! As a registered dietitian and diabetes educator, I can help you nourish your body and create sustainable lifestyle changes that are tailored to your unique needs and goals. A well balanced diet and a healthy relationship with food are both vital for optimizing your health and feeling incredible. I created Savor Nutrition to help people just like you find a way of eating that promotes health but is also simple and delicious.

I can help you:

  • Listen to your body’s hunger cues, prepare balanced meals, and savor food without guilt.

  • Incorporate the latest diabetes technology to help achieve better blood sugars.

  • Nourish your body with foods that will help you optimize your health, give you more energy, and achieve your personal health goals.

Let me help you take control of your health and guide you on your journey of creating a healthier lifestyle. I help take away the stress away from knowing what to eat by making nutrition easy to understand.

When I am not working, I love to savor life by spending time in the outdoors with my family, reading, moving my body (pilates if my favorite) and traveling.

To the left, is my dog, Luna or “Puppy”.

What People Are Saying


Diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, Gestational
Liver Disease
Intuitive Eating
Weight Management
Metabolic Syndrome
Heart Health
Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease
Healthy Eating


We can help you Savor life more by making nutirition uncomplicated.